Primary III January Blogpost
Happy 2014! This week we had a special Sankranti celebration. We had some special guests come in and show the children a special tradition of sprinkling flower petals, rice and coins onto their heads. Each child got to experience this and was able to take home a few coins. We also cooked a special rice pancake called dosa. Many thanks to to Aruna, Durga, and Eden for coming into the classroom and creating this special learning experience. We really had a lovely time celebrating this Harvest celebration from India.
We have been exploring the organs of our human bodies since returning to school this month. Since the human body is so amazing, we will continue our human body curriculum into February, learning about our skeletal system and our five senses. We will also have some special guests coming into the classroom to share information on the human body.
Also, February is observation month so please sign up for a time to come a observe a class at MSH!
We are always amazed at the consideration and kindness that we get to see in each of our beautiful people. From simple acts of kindness like helping someone hang their lunch bag or helping clean up an accidental spill to giving up their birthday gifts in exchange for sharing a new work in the classroom. Thank you so much!
Many Blessings,
Ms. Kelly and Ms. Shree
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