Ms. Kathy’s Music Class
The Music Program is back in full swing following my extensive rotator cuff surgery in December. I really missed doing the holiday songs all the classes and I had prepared, and I appreciated so much how all the teachers rose to the occasion! I was deeply touched and uplifted by all your emails, cards, gifts, and FB posts; thank you for your support and encouragement! Your children have also been tenderly loving and so helpful, bringing tears to my eyes and joy to my heart! It’s a very slow recovery process, but I am right on target and doing great!
Since my return in January, all the classes have had an exploration of ethnic instruments, and we are working toward theApril 4th Multicultural Festival. I won’t give away any surprises, but I can tell you this year the music part of the Festival will feature songs, dances, and activities of the country or continent being studied by each class. You’ll hear music from North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Antarctica, and Australia!
Thank you for the honor and privilege of working with your beloved children!
If you have questions or concerns about the MSH Music Program, please feel free to email or call me, come visit your child’s class, or stop me in the hall. I’m always glad to talk about this favorite subject! KF
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