Elementary I November Blog
The Elementary I Class has wonderful news about the Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF project! Our goal was to raise $240 for a School-in-a-Box, which is a kit containing supplies and materials for a teacher and up to 40 students (books, pencils, scissors, counting cubes, a clock, posters, and lots more for basic educational needs to be used anywhere in the world). With the entire school’s help, we completely exceeded our goal and raised $358.27! That means our school raised enough for a School-in-a-Box, a bicycle to take medicine to rural villages, soccer balls, and a lot of protein biscuits! I am so very proud of the children (and parents) for making this happen! Thank you!
Our class is also starting a drive to help the folks at CASA (Care Assurance System for the Aging and Homebound). We will be collecting non-perishable food items (low sodium, no sugar added, if possible). Canned meats, vegetables, and fruits, and boxed rice are recommended. We will also fill a basket with paper towels, napkins, dish cloths, dish towels, dish detergent, and hand soap. This is a wonderful program, and they were very grateful for our donations last year. The drive will begin November 18 and last through November 26.
Other news in the classroom: the children are all working very hard! We just learned about the parts of an addition equation: addends and sums. We will be having similar lessons on the parts of subtraction, multiplication, and division problems soon. They are all working at their own pace (with a little encouragement here and there) using the various math materials. With language, we have learned about nouns and articles and will be diving into adjectives very soon. Grammar can be so exciting! The children are learning all about birds right now in zoology. We have made books about the external parts of birds, learned about bird types, and created our own birds. We will have some further lessons and experiments on birds, too. We will be working on a lot of Thanksgiving holiday activities also. Parents, please look for a Thanksgiving feast sign-up sheet.
As we are all aware, it is getting so cold outside! Please don’t forget to send your child to school in warm clothes (coats, gloves, hats). We are outside between 45 minutes and an hour everyday.
We are planning a field trip to see The Nutcracker on Ice on December 5th!
I hope everyone has a safe and loving Thanksgiving holiday!
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