Category: Toddler

  1. Why Follow a Phase-In Schedule?

    Every August brings the beginning of a new school year. It is a fresh start. Children return to the classrooms. Some of them are veterans of the class, having been in the room for one or two years already, and some of them are entering a new environment for the first time. Whether returning or… Continue Reading »
  2. Practical Life in the Toddler Years

    Practical life is the heart of any Montessori Toddler Classroom and plays a major role in the development of children for years to come.  Practical life offers several major benefits to the child: the acquisition of a practical skill, the development of focused attention, and preparation for writing and reading. The acquisition of a practical… Continue Reading »
  3. October Blog – Toddler 2

    New life brings us hope and joy. As parents we have so many dreams for the new addition to our family. Dr. Maria Montessori has talked about the newborn child and how a newborn should be treated by the adult to facilitate her psychic and physical development. Following are the suggestions taken from Secret of… Continue Reading »
  4. A Child’s Creed

    A Child’s Creed: …I believe I was created with a unique potential to love. My work and play are the development and expression of my love towards myself, others, and my environment. Yes it gets messy at times. …I believe I am an amazing soul with a body and a mind. My favorite experiences and… Continue Reading »