Toddler I March Blogpost

Welcome Spring!

This month our Toddler 1 class will be busy studying the Earth, its different continents, and the cultures of the people who live far away from us.  We kicked off our multicultural studies with St. Patrick’s Day by talking about how the holiday is celebrated in Ireland, which is a country in Europe.  In honor of the holiday we made Rainbow Fruit Skewers for snack.

The continent we will be focusing on for the annual Multicultural Festival is Australia.  If you or someone you know has anything from or about the continent of Australia please let us know.  We would love for you to share it with our class.

Planting our garden will also be a big focus in our classroom this month.  Last month we learned that our Earth is made up of water, land, and air.  Now we will begin putting that knowledge into practice by watching how the land, water, and the air will help our plants to grow.  A BIG thank you to all of the parents who helped during the family work days to prepare our garden.  Without all of your work, enjoying our garden would not be possible.
As always thank you for sharing your children with us.  Please do not hesitate to ask if you  have any questions or concerns.


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