Private: Blog

  1. My Montessori Story

    During the month of November, we are running a campaign called “My Montessori Story.” We would love to hear your amazing story of how a Montessori education has impacted and enriched your life! The aim of this campaign is to bring all Montessori communities together-submit your story today! Please send all stories to  … Continue Reading »
  2. International Day of Peace Meditation September 21st 6-7:30pm

    Join us in celebrating the International Day of Peace September 21st is The International Day of Peace. To commemorate this day and honor Dr. Maria Montessori’s vision and work for Peace Education, the Montessori School of Huntsville will hold a guided meditation presented by a member of The Heartfulness Institute, a global organization that spreads… Continue Reading »
  3. Dr. Montessori’s Wise Words

    by Yesika Wesley, Primary II Parent “The child is both a hope and a promise for mankind” When I look at the world today, it can be a bit disheartening. Because all I see and hear about are rumors of war, political confusion, death and dying and people being downright mean to one another. But… Continue Reading »
  4. Potential Possibilities

    by Carrie O’Shea, Primary III parent It is true that we cannot make a genius. We can only give to each child the chance to fulfill his potential possibilities. –Maria Montessori   As the years pass and I grow in parental maturity (if there is such a thing), it seems I find more to love… Continue Reading »
  5. Education of the Senses

    by Ms. Becky Toddler Co-Lead Teacher A child does not learn because he is taught by a teacher.  A child learns because he wants to learn.  A teacher cannot will a child to learn.  What she can do is prepare an environment, which invites him to want to learn.  An environment that does this is… Continue Reading »